Following discussion at the Meet the Teacher hangi last night it was suggested that I could post an idiom of the week for parents to ponder and discuss.
So, here is our first one (as suggested by Aeny!)
What does "over the hill "mean?
Post your ideas as a comment in the comment box.
Does it mean there is something over the hill or we have to look over the problem we face?
ReplyDeleteGreat we have our first suggestion! Just so that you know, all comments will come to me for moderation, so won't appear immediately.
ReplyDeleteI'll give you a clue about the idiom - it is something to do with a person's age :)
Once someone reached a certain age, s/he will not be as good as he used to be
ReplyDeletehmm, for me it depends in what context it is used. It could mean someone/something is old or pass its 'use by date'.
ReplyDeleteI guess we're no over the hill yet, maybe 20 years later?